Capacity Building and Managerial Development

CSEND offers specific programmes on leadership, education and coaching, management development, and quality assurance. It creates organisational development plans and provides management audits and seminars. Other CSEND services include consulting on learning technologies and the assessment of the training needs of both large and small organisations. CSEND has recently conducted capacity building projects in the context of trade and climate change negotiations.

Climate Change

Project Examples:

Simulation Exercises:

CSEND has worked for the following institutions and organisations:

  • ActionAid Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
  • ActionAid, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Centre for Marketing & Management, St. Petersburg
  • China Training Centre for Senior Personnel Officials, Beijing
  • International Labour Organisation, Geneva
  • International Centre for Public Enterprises, Ljubljana
  • Ministry of Industry & Trade, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta
  • State Secretary for Economic Affairs (seco), Bern
  • Samara Business and Training Centre, Samara, Russia
  • Training Centre for Economic Cadres, State Economic & Trade Commission, China
  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva