Mainstreaming Tourism Development: Policy Coherence and Complementarity (2011)

20111001-book-mainstreamTourism is a significant contributor to GDP, employment and to the international appreciation of a country and its culture – regardless of its level of development. This policy analysis seeks to assist the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in harnessing development opportunities by providing a comprehensive overview of existing international development instruments, i.e., Diagnostic Trade Integration Studies (DTISs) and their Action Matrices, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), and reviewing their alignment with the national tourism development strategies, investment policies and tourism related trade arrangements.

The authors encourage the use of findings from this analysis by all actors and stakeholders engaged with trade facilitation activities in LDCs. In reviewing these key development policy documents, this in-depth analysis seeks to better equip LDCs to manage international policy advice provided by a multitude of international development partners. The ultimate objective of this work is to support their achievement of greater social and economic benefits through growth trade in tourism services. It is also hoped that this analytical report will enhance the coherence and complimentarity of tourism development advice proposed by the international community via drawing attention to policy gaps and implementation vacuums existing within the tourism supply and value chain.

Author: Lichia Yiu & Raymond Saner with Mario Filadoro
ISBN: 978-2-8399-0927-7


pdf Executive Summary

pdf Full text

pdf Annex 1: Tourism References in DTIS, Action Matrix, PRSP and IPR

pdf Annex 2: GATS Sector Specific and Horizontal Commitments

pdf Annex 3: UNCPC classified GATS Sector Commitments

pdf Annex 4: Country Risk Briefing 

pdf Annex 5: Country HDI Ranking