Dr Falou Samb, Senior Trade Policy Advisor, has been invited by enda Tiers Monde and ICTSD to attend a regional workshop in Dakar, on 14-16 March 2009, to discuss pending legal and systemic issues regarding EPA negotiations.

A new publication edited by Prof. Raymond Saner and M. Varinia Michalun will soon be published by Republic of Letters Publishing BV, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. The book is titled, "Negotiations between State Actors and Non-State Actors: Case Analyses From Different Parts of the World". 2009. in Druchman, D. & Donohue, W. (eds), International Negotiation Series, vol.7.

We thank you for participating in this important survey. We will treat the information that you will provide with utmost care and strict confidentiality.

Once the survey has been completed and analysed, we will prepare a formal report and make the database accessible upon request in an aggregated manner.

We appreciate the time and effort that you take to answer this questionnaire.

IMD - Lichia Saner-Yiu's view on IMD Responsible Leadership Summit 2009

Round Table on "Economic and Trade Activities and Global Warming. Heading towards Which production and Consumption Modes?", on 4th December 2008. Organised by the International Association on Trade and Sustainable (COMDEV), a partner organisation of the CSEND.

Prof. Prof. Raymond Saner and Lichia Yiu will address the international conference on “The European Entrepreneurship in the Globalising Economy - Challenges and Opportunities”, 9-12 September 2008 at Varna, Bulgaria.

This conference is organised by the Bulgarian Association for Management Development and Entrepreneurship (www.bamde.org).

The title of CSEND’s presentation will be “Cross Border Co-operation and Entrepreneurship:
the Role of Social Capital” ( item: pdf abstract here)

Prof. Lichia Saner-Yiu has being appointed as the Secretary of the CUTS Geneva Resource Centre (CUTS-GRC). CUTS-GRC is a newly established NGO with the vision to pursue social justice and economic equity within and across borders by persuading governments and empowering people. More information on CUTS GRC is available at: Website

The CSEND Group consists of different branches one being DiplomacyDialogue which fosters multistakeholder dialogues and promotes the pursuit of equitable and sustainable development. For information, see

“CSEND has organized an international conference on the Food Crisis together with the group of the Least Developed Country members of the WTO. The title of the conference was " WTO Rules and Food Crisis in the Least Developed Countries” . The conference took place on 17th July at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Geneva. The working programme including presentations and related documents are available here.”

UNCTAD Regional Conference on Policy Consultation Workshop on Using TRIPS Flexibility for the Promotion of Licenses for Pharmaceutical Patents - 19-23 March 2007, Addis Ababa
United Nations Climate Change Conference UNFCCC Side Event organized by CSEND: Energy Efficiency - With or Without the CDM

Energy efficiency is among the cheapest, cleanest and most rapidly deployed energy sources. This interactive panel session – with representatives of the International Energy Agency, the World Bank Carbon Finance business and the UN Development Program, as well as Parties to the UNFCCC – will address energy efficiency mitigation potential; promotion of energy efficiency under the UNFCCC/Kyoto Protocol going forward; and energy efficiency under the CDM.Contact for futher information: Anne Arquit Niederberger (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; +1 917 518 5094)

16 Nov. 2006, Nairobi
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